Shop Local Skateboards

Shop / Shop Local Skateboards

Shops Based in the US*

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Delaware Maryland New Hampshire New Jersey Massachusetts Connecticut West Virginia Vermont Rhode Island
Click your state on the map or from the list below. If your state is not listed, there are no shops from your state that have registered for this program.

Arizona (13) California (44) Colorado (20) Connecticut (3) Delaware (1) District of Columbia (1) Florida (15) Georgia (8) Illinois (8) Indiana (3) Iowa (1) Kentucky (1) Maryland (2) Massachusetts (3) Michigan (3) Minnesota (7) Mississippi (1) Missouri (8) Nebraska (2) Nevada (1) New Hampshire (2) New Jersey (5) New Mexico (5) New York (13) North Carolina (6) Ohio (4) Oklahoma (4) Oregon (1) Pennsylvania (11) South Carolina (5) Tennessee (3) Texas (10) Utah (2) Virginia (6) Washington (11) West Virginia (1) Wisconsin (1)

NC Skateboards

Charlotte TheAkuyaku - view all skateboards in shop
Established: 7/24/2024 3:12:37 AM
TheAkuyaku | Created by Michael, a tattoo artist from Charlotte, NC. These custom designs are created with a deep love for anime, classical painting, and pop culture. Designed to bring your favorite characters to a board near you.
Durham HECATE_MANATAUR - view all skateboards in shop
Established: 1/28/2025 1:18:35 AM
Pineville Decimation - view all skateboards in shop
Established: 12/5/2020 11:56:21 AM
Decimation Earth Skate Deck Collection
Taylorsville DP_Skateboards - view all skateboards in shop
Established: 8/31/2019 1:38:33 PM
Wake Forest RebelSoul - view all skateboards in shop
Established: 6/25/2015 6:11:26 PM
| Your one stop shop for southern-fried funk, hot rod monsters, pinup queens, and all things custom culture!
winston salem Stxnr3k - view all skateboards in shop
Established: 3/7/2024 7:02:38 PM

International Shops*

New Zealand(1)
South Africa(1)
South Korea(1)
United Kingdom(3)

* Note: This is not a complete list of shops. Only shops who have opted to participate in the Local Sales Program are listed on this page. You can access a full shop list below.
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